As I cam' doon the Sandgate,
The Sandgate, the Sandgate,
As I cam' doon the Sandgate,
I heard a lassie sing!
"O weel may the keel row,
The keel row, the keel row,
O weel may the keel row,
The ship my laddie's in."
O wha's like my Johnny,
So leith, so blithe, so bonny,
He's foremost 'mong the mony
Keel lads o' coaly Tyne.
He'll set and row so tightly,
Or in the dance -so sprightly-
He'll cut and shuffle slightly,
'Tis true - were he not mine.
He wears a blue bonnet,
Blue bonnet, blue bonnet,
He wears a blue bonnet,
Blue bonnet, blue bonnet,
A dimple in his chin.
O weel may the keel row,
The keel row, the keel row,
O weel may the keel row,
The ship my laddie's in."
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Source: Singing Together, Spring 1968, BBC Publications
Roud: 3059 (Search Roud index at VWML) Take Six