%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Keel Row B:Singing Together, Spring 1968, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:F B2 |A3A F3A |B4 G3B |A4 F3A | (G3E) C2 w:As I cam' doon the Sand-gate, the Sand-gate, the Sand-*gate, B2 |A3A F3A |B4 G3B |A3F G3E | F6 w: As I cam' doon the Sand-gate, I heard a las-sie sing! c2 |(Ac3) c3f |d4 c3B |A4 F3A | (G3E) C2 w:"O weel_ may the keel row, the keel row, the keel_ row, c2 |(Ac3) c3f |d4 c3B |A3F G3E | F6 |] w: O weel_ may the keel row, the ship my lad-die's in."