As Joseph was a-walking He heard an angel sing.
This night shall be born our heavenly King
1. He neither shall be born in housen nor in hall,
Nor in the place of Paradise, But in an ox 's stall
2. He neither shall be clothed in purple and pall,
But all in fair linen as wear babies all
3. He neither shall be rocked in silver and gold
But in a wooden cradle that rocks on the mould.
4. He neither shall be christened in white wine and red,
But in the fair spring water as we were christened.
Noel, Noel
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Source: Singing Together, Autumn 1966, BBC Publications
It is not entirely clear from the printing how this should be sung. The 'prologue' (As Joseph .. heavenly king) and the final 'No-el, No-el' are in italics and the remainder is in ordinary text with the verses numbered as shown here. I would personally sing No-el, No-el after each verse and the prologue only once, but that may not be right!
Roud: 453 (Search Roud index at VWML) Take Six