%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Joseph and the Angel B:Singing Together, Autumn 1966, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:A c |e2 c d2 B |(A2F) E2 E |F2 A A2 G | A3-A2 w:As Jo-seph was a-walk--ing He heard an an-gel sing._ c |(e2c) d2 B |(A2FE2) E |F2 A (A2G) | A3-A2 w:This night_ shall be born__ Our hea-ven-ly_ King_ c |B2 e B2 A |(G2AB2) d |c2 d c2 B | e3-e2 w:He nei-ther shall be born__ In hou-sen nor in hall,_ E |F2 G A2 B |c2 e d2 c |B2 A c2 B | (A2FE2) w:Nor in the place of Pa-ra-dise, But in an ox 's stall__ F |A2-A3F |A2-A3 |] w:No-_el, No-_el