I gaze on the sun that climbs through the air,
While down in the valley below me
They're walking to church, Ah would I was there
At Mass with me dear ones that know me.
For soon as the sun has mounted the hill
And light on the up0lands is falling
Oh then I know well a far valley bell
Rings out from the old tower calling.
I stroll on the hills where winds hurry by
And chant lonely pslams from my psalter:
No echo returns from mountain or sky,
My notes only waver and falter.
If only my voice might mingle today
Where softly my loved ones are singing;
Would Autumn were here and I far away
At home where the sweet bells are ringing
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Source: Singing Together, BBC Broadcasts to Schools, Spring Term, 1959
Melody: Ole Bull
Words: Christopher Hassall