1. From the East the donkey came.
Stout and strong as twenty men;
Ears like wings and eyes like flame,
Striding into Bethlehem.
Heh! Sir Ass, oh heh!
2. Faster than the deer he leapt,
With his burden on his back;
Though all other creatures slept,
Still the ass kept on his track.
Heh! sir Ass, oh heh!
3. Still he draws his heavy load,
Fed on barley and rough hay;
Pulling on along the road --
Donkey, pull our sins away!
heh! Sir Ass, oh heh!
4. Wrap him now in cloth of gold'
All rejoice who see him pass;
Mirth inhabit young and old
On this feast day of the ass.
Heh! Sir Ass, oh heh!
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Source: Source: The Christmas Revels Songbook, ISBN 0-9640836-1-2
Related Songs: The Friendly Beasts (melodic)