Our sheepshearing done, to our master we come,
Who enjoins us to sport as we please;
Then beside plough and flail o'er our fleece and our pail
We will boast of our fine wool and cheese.
Our sweet shepherdess then will we chorus amain,
And rejoice in our dairymaid's praise,
Our dairymaid's praise, dairymaid's praise;
Our sweet pretty dairymaid's praise.
Should your wishes incline to beer, cider or wine,
As you sit with your pipe at your ease,
Their true flavour to find always keep this in mind,
Clear your taste with a bit of old cheese.
Like Gloucester Noke, we'll sing and we'll joke,
And be merry whenever we please,
Drink the fleece and the pail, the plough and the flail,
O'er a relish of best making cheese.
Join hands then, unite with joy and delight,
This happy occasion we'll seize,
And with am'rous desire we will drik "May our Squire
Live long, and enjoy his own cheese!"
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Source: Lucy Broadwood and J A Fuller Maitland. 1893, English County Songs, Leadenhall Press, London
"Gloucester Noke" is followed by a question mark in the book.
Sung at Frocester about 1840. Words and tune from Mrs Graham Clarke, through Miss M Curtis Hayward.
Roud: 1379 (Search Roud index at VWML)