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The minstrel boy to the war is gone;
In the ranks of death you'll find him.
His father's sword he has girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him
"Land of song", said the warrior bard,
"Though all the world betray thee,
One sword at least thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee."

(Additional verse that was not in the pamphlet follows:)

The Minstrel fell! But the foeman's chain
Could not bring that proud soul under;
The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again,
For he tore its chords asunder;
And said "No chains shall sully thee,
Thou soul of love and brav'ry!
Thy songs were made for the pure and free
They shall never sound in slavery!

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Source: Singing Together, Summer 1951, BBC Publications

Identified simply as "Irish Melody."

According to Wikipedia, "The Minstrel Boy" is a song written by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) who set it to the melody of The Moreen, an old Irish air. It is widely believed that Moore composed the song in remembrance of a number of his friends, whom he met while studying at Trinity College, Dublin and who had participated in (and were killed during) the 1798 rebellion of the United Irishmen. However, the song gained widespread popularity and became a favorite of many Irishmen who fought during the United States Civil War.

Roud: 13867 (Search Roud index at VWML)

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