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We may tramp the earth for all that we're worth,
But what odds where you and I go?
We shall never meet a spot so sweet
As the beautful City of Sligo.

Oh, sure she's a Queen in purple and green,
As she shimmers and glimmers her gardens between;
And away to Lough Lene the like isn't seen
Of her river a quiver with shadow and sheen,
The beautiful City of Sligo

Tho' bustle and noise and some folks' joys,
Your London just gives me vertigo,
You can hear yourself talk when out you walk
Thro' the beautiful City of Sligo.

As an artist in stones a genius was Jones,
Whom so querrly they christened Inigo,
But he hadn't the skill to carve a Grass Hill,
For the beautiful City of Sligo

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Source: Singing Together, Summer 1979, BBC Publications

Traditional tune, words by Alfred Perceval Graves, taken from Songs of Erin


Browse Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z