%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Beautiful City of Sligo B:Singing Together, Summer 1979, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F A/G/ |F2 C C2 C |D3/2D/D C2 A/G/ |F2 C C2 C | B3 A2 w:We may tramp the earth for all that we're worth, But what odds where you and I go? A/G/ |F2 C C2 C |DED B2 F/F/ |BcB ABA | G3 F2 w: We shall ne-ver meet a spot_ so sweet As the beau-ti-ful Ci-ty of Sli-go. c/B/ |ABc d2 c |ABc d2 w:Oh_ sure she's a Queen in pur-ple and green, c/B/ |ABc ABc | ABc A2 w:As she shim-mers and glim-mers her gar-dens be-tween; c/B/ |ABc d2 c |ABc d2 w: And a-way to Lough Lene the like is-n't seen c/B/ |ABc ABc | BAG F2 w: Of her ri-ver a qui-ver with sha-dow and sheen, F |B3/2c/B ABA |G3 F2 z |] w:The beau-ti-ful Ci-ty of Sli-go