Once a farmer and his wife
Had cause for disputation,
They were used to noisy strife
And wordy altercation,
"Goodman," said she, "You are too free,
And you're too open handed;"
"Goodwife," said he, "You let me be,
I will not be commanded!"
Then when harvest time came round,
And boys with girls were racing,
Oft the farmer's wife had found
He would the girls be chasing.
"Goodman," cried she, "You are too free,
And you're too open hearted;"
"Goodwife," said he, "You let me be,
Or we will soon be parted".
Long, long years did pass away
And still they kept on railing;
Till at last one winter's day,
She said, when she was ailing.
"I am too old always to scold.
I think your ways are mended."
Said he, "You're right, you are right."
And so the matter ended.
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Source: Singing Together, Autumn 1977, BBC Publications
Welsh origin.
Roud: 16831 (Search Roud index at VWML)