Westering home, and a song in the air,
Light in the eye, and it's goodbye to care;
Laughter o' love, and a welcoming there;
Isle of my heart, my own one.
Tell me o' lands o' the Orient gay!
Speak o' the riches and joys o' Cathay!
Eh, but it's grand to be wakin' ilk day
To find yourself nearer to Isla.
And it's Westering home ....
Where are the folks like the folk o' the west?
Canty and couthy, and kindly, the best;
There would I hie me. and there I would rest
At hame wi' my ain folk in Isla.
And it's Westering home ...
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Source: Singing Together, Summer 1974, BBC Publications
The words and music were written by Sir Hugh S. Roberton in the 1920's. Many web sites identify this as 'traditional'; this should be read as indicating how widespread the song is, rather than any suggestion its origin is unknown.