Let us haste to Kelvin Grove, bonnie lassie, O,
Through its mazes let us rove, bonnie lassie, O.
Where the roses in their pride
Deck the bonnie dingle side,
Where the midnight fairies glide, bonnie lassie, O.
Let us wander by the mill, bonnie lassie O,
To the cove beside the rill, bonnie lassie, O.
Where the glens rebound the call
Of the roaring waters' fall
Through the mountains' rocky gall, bonnie lassie, O.
O Kelvin banks are fair, bonnie lassie, O.
When the summer we are there, bonnie lassie, O.
There the May-pinks's crimson plume
Throws a soft but sweet perfume
Round the yellow banks o' broom, bonnie lassie, O.
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Source: Singing Together, Autumn 1968, BBC Publications
No acknowlegement was provided in the pamphlet.
I have copied the 'Contemplator' entry below:
This song first appeared in The Harp of Renfrewshire, where it was erroneously credited to Mr. John Sim. The words were proven to be by Thomas Lyle (1792-1859). Lyle was born in Paisley and died in Glasgow. Kelvingrove appeared in a volume of his works, Collected Poems and Songs (1837) with these words. The air was printed in the second volume of The Scottish Minstrel (circa 1811), where it was called Kelvin Water.*
The melody dates earlier than The Scottish Minstrel. In the early 18th century, it was used for a song that was "too coarse for our modern ideas."** This refers to the use of the melody for Bonnie Lassie-O (The Shearing's Nae For You) which concerns the rape and pregnancy of a lass. (See this thread)
Kelvingrove is in Glasgow.