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O woodland tree, O pinewood tree,
How fresh and green your branches!
Not only in the summer time,
But 'mid the winter's frost and rime;
O woodland tree, O pinewood tree,
How fresh and green your branches!

O woodland tree,O Christmas tree,
How gaily decked your branches!
The coloured candles' lovely light
Is shed around for our delight.
O Christmas tree, bright Christmas tree,
How gaily decked your branches!

O summer tree, O winter tree,
We love your shining branches!
But, best of all, at Christmas time
Beneath the glistening frost and rime
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
We bless your happy branches!

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Source: Singing Together, Autumn 1960, BBC Publications

German Folk Melody, English words by Helen Henschel.

This song has been sufficiently adopted to regard this version as legitimate in English as well as in German, at least if American films and TV shows are valid evidence. I would say, though, that it is not really accepted as a carol in England: it is recognised by almost everyone because of the media, but I don't think I have heard anyone in England actually sing it.


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