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1. Come away to the skies, my beloved, arise
And rejoice in the day thou wast born;
On this festival day come exulting away,
And with singing to Zion retun.

2. Now with singing and praise let us spend all our days
By our heavenly Father bestowed;
While his grace we receive from his bounty, and live
To the honor and glory of God.

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Source: The Second Penguin Book of Christmas Carols, ed. Elizabeth Poston

From The Second Penguin Book of Christmas Carols, p. 22.
Come Away to the Skies. From The Southern Harmony, compiled by William Walker. [Tune name in Southern Harmony, "Exultation."] The words are a slightly altered version of a poem by Charles Wesley, first published in his Hymns for Families, 1767 (165), subsequently in 1780 in the Wesleyan Hymn Book (478). In their original form Wesley wrote them on 12 October 1755, his wife's anniversary, under the title of 'On the twenty-ninth birthday of a Friend'.

Roud: 18272 (Search Roud index at VWML)

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