Ye mar'ners all, as you pass by
Call in and drink if you are dry
Come spend, my lads, your money brisk
And pop your nose in a jug of this
Oh mar'ners all, if you've half a crown,
You're welcome all for to sit down
Come spend, my lads, your money brisk
And pop your nose in a jug of this
Oh tipplers all, as ye pass by
Come in and drink if you are dry
Come in and drink, think not amiss
And pop your nose in a jug of this
Oh, now I'm old and can scarcely crawl
I've an old grey beard and a head that's bald
Crown my desire and fulfill my bliss
A pretty girl and a jug of this
Oh when I'm in my grave and dead
And all my sorrows are past and fled
Transform me then into a fish
And let me swim in a jug of this
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Source: Penguin Book of English Folk Songs
From the Penguin book:
The raffish words of this song were in print in 1838 or shortly after, in one of a set of minature penny song-books called Little Warblers, published by Ryle of Seven Dials, London. The handsome melody is a varient of a tune used for the well-known Died for Love. Barrett (English Folks Songs London, 1891) prints a Wiltshire version called A Jug of This. Hammond at first understood Mrs Russell to sing 'Ye mourners all' but later presumed that she meant 'mariners'. Mrs Russell's words were fragmentary, and Hammond filled out the text with a version supplied by W. Haines 'of Halfway House between Sherbourne and Yeovil'.
A number of copies can be found at the Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads site
The most legible would appear to be: A Jug of This, printed between 1819 and 1844 by J. Pitts (London) - Firth c.12(161)
A recent recording of the song, sung by Tim Van Eyken can be downloaded here (2.1MB mp3 file)
Roud: 1191 (Search Roud index at VWML) Take Six