Author Topic: Add: Poor Paddy Works on the Railway


Posted - 01 Jul 04 - 03:53 pm

Oh, in eighteen hundred and forty one,
My dungaree breeches I put on,
My dungaree breeches I put on,
(Chorus:To work upon the railway,
The railway,
I'm weary of the railway,
Oh, Poor Paddy works on the railway.)

In eighteen hundred an' forty-two,
I did not know what I should do [I had some work that I must do],
So I shipped away wid an Irish crew.

In eighteen hundred an' forty-three,
I packed my gear an'went to sea [I sailed away across the sea],
I shipped away to Amerikee.

In eighteen hundred an' forty-four,
I landed on Columbia's shore,
I had a pick-axe an' nothin' more.

In eighteen hundred an' forty-five,
Whan Dan O'Connell he wuz alive,
To break me leg I did contrive [The wonder is I kept alive].

In eighteen hundred an' forty-six,
Me drinks no longer I could mix,
So I changed me trade to carrying bricks [The Temperance League me there did fix].

In eighteen hundred an' forty-seven,
Me children numbered jist eleven,
Of girls I'd four, of boys I'd seven [So I sold me clothes an' sailed to Heaven].

In eighteen hundred an' forty-eight,
I made a fortune, not too late,
An' shipped away to the River Plate.

In eighteen hundred an' forty-nine,
I for a sight of Home did pine,
So I sailed down south to a warmer clime
[So I hired a Pullman car so fine/So I sailed down south to fair Caroline].

Mr Happy

Posted - 03 Jul 04 - 01:55 am

Another version (as done by The Dubliners)

In eighteen hundred and forty one, me corduroy breeches I put on
Me corduroy breeches I put on, to work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway, poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty two, from Hartlepool I moved to Crewe
And I found meself a job to do, workin' on the railway

I was wearing corduroy britches
Digging ditches, pulling switches, dodging hitches
I was workin' on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty three I broke me shovel across me knee
And went to work for the company on the Leeds and Selby Railway


In eighteen hundred and forty four I landed on the Liverpool shore
Me belly was empty, me hands were raw with workin' on the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway, poor Paddy works on the railway

In eighteen hundred and forty five, when Daniel O'Connell he was alive
Daniel O'Connell he was alive and workin' on the railway


In eighteen hundred and forty six I changed me trade from carryin' bricks
Changed me trade from carryin' bricks to workin' on the railway


In eighteen hundred and forty seven poor Paddy was thinkin' of goin' to heaven
Poor Paddy was thinkin' of goin' to heaven, to work upon the railway, the railway
I'm weary of the railway, poor Paddy works on the railway


Jon Freeman

Posted - 03 Jul 04 - 02:38 am

Mr Happy, I may have asked you this before but... my memory fails me and you seem to live in the right area. Do you remember "Drops Of Brandy", I think they were called? Paddy and Tony; they did come to my part of N Wales but I believe were based more Mold way. I used to love there version of this song.

Mr Happy

Posted - 06 Jul 04 - 10:28 am

yes jon,

don't think they're performing anymore though.

They used to run a FC at the Oaklands hotel in Chester & their group also included Sean Cannon, & were called 'The Wild Geese'

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