Author Topic: Add: The Tailor and the Carrion Crow


Posted - 08 Jan 04 - 12:21 pm

An old carrion crow was a-sitting on an oak,
Fal de lal a diddle o-a-dido,
A-watching a tailor a-cutting out a coat,
Fal de lal a diddle o-a-dido.
An old carrion crow was a-sitting on an oak
A-watching a tailor a-cutting out a coat;
Says the old carrion crow still a-sitting on an oak,
Fal de lal a diddle o-a-dido.

The tailor says Wife bring my arrow and my bow
That I may shoot this old carrion crow.

The tailor shot but missed his mark
And shot his old sow right through the heart.

Then what says the tailor I don't care a louse,
Will have black pudding, chitling or souse.

Source: Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, Dec 1934


Sung and noted by George Hill, Dursley, Glos.

On the rest, the work PORK! should be shouted. (the ABC converter seems reluctant to have words against rests!)

Database entry is here.

Jon Freeman

Posted - 08 Jan 04 - 12:58 pm

I can't think of a work around for that one Dave and I think it has been agreed that abc should not align words under rests.



Posted - 08 Jan 04 - 02:04 pm

The only alternative I could think of was to put some sort of suppressed note rather than a rest, but I don't know any way to do that either.

Browse Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z