Author Topic: Add: Captain Morgan's March

Jon Freeman

Posted - 19 Feb 12 - 09:18 pm

Men of Morganwg, rise against the foe!Send him hence or lay him low.
Leave all your books, your pasture and your plough,
Gird on wea-pons, join us now.
Mor-gan calls you, bids you with him stand,Drive the raid-ing Sa-xon from this fair land.

Men of Morganwg, rise to liberty!
Cymru now shall soon be free,
With her own language singing her own songs,
Righting all her conquer's wrongs.

Singing Together and Rhythm and Music, Autumn Term 1957

From the Oxford School Music Book's, Teacher's Manual Senior, Part 1

Welsh song, English words by J P B Dobbs.


Posted - 25 Apr 12 - 12:59 am

i was looking for this song since my teacher was asking about this in class although i was having a difficult time searching through the net, thank you for posting this as this was really a big help! i can see that it was from a book, that was probably why it was difficult to search through the internet if i have not joined this community. thank you so much!

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