Author Topic: Add: Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn [Watching The White Wheat]

Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn [Watching The White Wheat]
1. Mi sydd fachgen ieuanc ffol.
Yn byw yn ol fy ffansi
Myfi'n bugeilior gwenith gwyn,
Ac arall yn ei fedi.
Pam na ddeui ar fy ol,
Ryw ddydd ar ol ei gilydd?
Gwaith 'rwyn dy weld, y feinir fach,
Yn lanach, lanach beunydd!

2. Glanach, lanach wyt bob dydd,
Neu fi a'm ffydd yn ffolach,
Er mwyn y Gwr a wnaeth dy wedd,
Gwna im drugaredd ballach.
Cwnn dy ben, gwel acw draw,
Rho i mi'th law wen dirion;
Gwaith yn dy fynwes bert ei thro
Mae allwedd clo fy nghalon!

3. Tra fo dwr y mor yn hallt,
A thra fo 'ngwallt yn tyfu
A thra fo calon yn fy mron
Mi fydda'n ffyddlon iti:
Dywed imi'r gwir dan gel
A rho dan sel d'atebion,
P'un ai myfi neu arall, Ann
Sydd orau gan dy galon.

Source: William Cole, Folk Songs of England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales (Charles Hansen, 1961, pp. 228-9)


Posted - 28 May 05 - 10:34 am

When I was young I wandered free, like wind across the meadow,
Astray among the silver wheat without a path to follow.
And wildly sang the summer bird, and gaily danced the flower.
And roving sunlight wove its dream of joys that last forever.

Then on a day of golden dawn, in sweet surprise of morning,
I met the one that I must love, and all my world was turning,
I heard the cry of curlew-sea, the kestrel-sky still called me,
But I was with my new-found love, and all her ways enthralled me.

I feared the rise of harvest moon, with star-frost in its shadow,
When men would reap the silver wheat and the the fields lie fallow,
For owl would mourn the barren tree, and fox would haunt the valley,
And autumn wind might take from me the one I loved so truly.

I made a crown of garland leaves, the gold within them burning,
And gave it to my own true love, in token of my longing,
Let sun-warmed summer pass away, let mountain stream go wander,
Like reapers we would happy stay and harvest joy together.

Source: Singing Together, Summer 1975, BBC Publications



Edited By dmcg - 18-Jun-2005 08:53:44 PM

Pip Freeman

Posted - 28 May 05 - 07:03 pm

I know this song as the welsh folk song, 'Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn', 'watching over the white wheat', one of my real favorites. Bryn Tervel sings it particularly well.

See here for the welsh words with their English translation. There is also a midi giving the melody.

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