Author Topic: Add: John of Hazelgreen


Posted - 03 Apr 05 - 11:54 am

While riding down that greenwood road
There sat a lady who mourned,
And all of her lamentation was,
It was John of the Hazelgreen.

You are welcome with me, kind miss,
You are welcome with me, said he,
And you may have my oldest son
A husband for to be.

I don't want your oldest son,
He's neither lord nor king.
I intend to be the bride of none
But John of Hazelgreen.

*For he's tall and his shoulders broad,
He's the lord of all our kin.
His hair hands down like the links of gold,
He's John of the Hazelgreen.

While riding down that lengthy lane,
That lane that leads to town,
O up stepped John of the Hazelgreen
And helped his lady down.

Forty times he kissed her rudy lips
And forty times he kissed her chin,
And forty times he kissed her ruby lips
And let his lady in.

(* This stanza was moved by Sharp from before verse 3 to after it)

Source: M Yates et Al, Dear Companion, EFDSS, 2004

Sung by Lloyd Fizgerald at Nash, Nelson County, Virginia, 9 May 1918. More extensive notes can be found in Dear Companion.

Roud: 250
Child: 293


Posted - 03 Apr 05 - 12:03 pm

I'm very wary of adding anything from such a recent book, especially from a group like EFDSS who need the sales, but I feel a single entry aids promotion, especially for non-UK people. I will, of course, remove it if there are any concerns raised.

I found this tune particularly interesting to compare to UK versions.

Jim Irvine

Posted - 03 Apr 05 - 02:48 pm

This seems more likely to be an Americanized version of "Jock o' Hazeldean" rather than anything else. There are also resonances of several other songs here also e.g. "A Sailor's Life" - "He's proper, tall. gentile withall".

I note that "Jock o' Hazeldean" does not appear in the database and I unfortunately only have my own collection to refer to with no references for it but here it is anyway.

Jock o? Hazeldene

1. Why weep ye by the tide, lady
Why weep ye by the tide?
I?ll wed ye tae my youngest son
And ye shall be his bride.
And ye shall be his bride, lady
Sae comely tae be seen
But aye she lo?ed the tears doon fa?
For Jock o? Hazeldene.

2. Noo let this wilfu? grief be done
And dry these cheeks sae pale
Young Frank is chief of Irthing town
And Lord o? Langleydale
His step is first in peacefu? ha?
His sword in battle keen
But aye she lo?ed the tears doon fa?
For Jock o? Hazeldene

3. A coat o? gowd ye shall nae lack
Nor kame tae bind yer hair
Nor mettled hound nor managed hawk
Nor palfrey fresh & fair
And you the foremost o? them a?
Shall ride our forest queen
But aye she lo?ed the tears doon fa?
For Jock o? Hazeldene

4. The kirk was decked at morning time
The tapers glimmered fair
The priest & bridegroom wait the bride
And dame and knight were there
They searched for her in bower an? ha?
The lady wisnae seen
She?s ower the border and awa?
Wi Jock o? Hazeldene


Posted - 03 Apr 05 - 05:33 pm

Contemplator has this to say:

These lyrics were written by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1882) and published in 1816 in Albyn's Anthology. However, the ballad is much older. It was originally John of Hazelgreen. C. K. Sharpe, who sent the ballad to Scott said it was from a manuscript dated "probably one hundred years" earlier, placing the original manuscript in the 1700s.

When I read your comments, Jim, I though I'd better put a copy of the music 'Jock O' Hazeldean' on the database ... and I can't find one. Its totally absurd, I must have at three or four versions sprinked around, but they are not in any books I've tried so far (though I have found an Irish version based on the Scots one). Perhaps its time I tried to build some index rather than relying on memory.

Edited By dmcg - 03-Apr-2005 05:43:37 PM

Malcolm Douglas
Posted - 03 Apr 05 - 10:11 pm

The Elizabeth Cochrane MS is unlikely to be older than 1730. I've never liked that "**00s" business; some use it to mean the entire century, others (more precisely) just the first decade. Because folk song enthusiasts tend to want songs to be as old as possible, this can lead to a lot of misunderstandings.

The American text looks to be John of Hazel Green, influenced by Scott's well-known re-write; but it's hard to be sure, of course. The Jock tune (an adaptation of Willie and Annet) can be found in most older collections of popular song: New National Songbook, John Greig's Scots Minstrelsie, that sort of thing.


Posted - 09 Apr 05 - 01:29 pm

I've transcribed the Scots Minstrelsy version into the database here

diane easby

Posted - 16 Apr 05 - 08:35 am

Dick Gaughan's version and what he has to say about it.

link added - Jon

Edited By Jon Freeman - 16-Apr-2005 09:41:46 AM

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