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A is for axes, we very well know;
B is for the Boys that use them also;
C is for Chopping, which we did begin;
D is for Danger we always are in.

Oh, merry, oh merry, oh merry are we,
No mortal on earth as happy as we.
Sing hi derry, ho derry, hi derry down,
The shanyman dwelleth and nothing goes wrong!

E is for echo that through the woods rang;
F is for the Foreman that forwards our gang;
G is for the Grindstone we often did turn;
H is for the Handle so smoothernly worn.

I is for the Iron that marketh our pine;
J is for the Joyvellers we leaveth behind;
K is for the Keen edge our Axes did keep;
L is for the Lice that keep us from our sleep.

M is for the Moss we use in our camps;
N is for the Needle that mendeth our pants;
O is for the Owl that hooteth at night;
P is for the P we always fell right.

Q is for Quarrling we never did 'low;
R is for the River were our logs, they did flow;
S is for the Sled, so stout and so strong;
T is for the Team that scooted 'em along.

U is for the Use we put our teams to;
V is for the Valley we cut our roads through;
W is for the Woods we left in the spring;
Now you've heard all I'm going to sing!

abc | midi | pdf
Source: Folk Song of the Catskills Cazden, Haufrecht and Studner ISBN: o-87385-580-3.

Approved by Publisher as being avaliable to public.

Roud: 21101 (Search Roud index at VWML)

Browse Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z