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1.Come, you swains, and listen to me,
And you soldiers do give ear
To a sad and mournful story
As was ever told you here.

2.Among the troops that marched to Erie
Were the Kingston Volunteers,
Patton Thomas, their commander
Went to protect our West Frontier.

3.Through the surf the battle rages,
Is he in the strife, or no?
Now that Patton's your commander,
There he hit the hard put foe.

4.They beheld to see him, Perry,
In the self-same ship they fought,
So his mess-mates were all around him:
Nothing can his soul affraight.

5.But behold! A ball has struck him:
See the crimson current flow!
'Neath the blast a flame preparing,
"No, my word, I will not go!

6."Here on deck I stood my station,
Here the worthy colors fly;
I'll Stand by you, gallant captain,
Till we conquer, or we die!"

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Source: Folk Song of the Catskills Cazden, Haufrecht and Studner ISBN: o-87385-580-3.

Approved by Publisher as being avaliable to public.

Roud: 2204 (Search Roud index at VWML)

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