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Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell,
Tidinges good I think to tell.


The boares head that we bring here
Betokeneth a Prince without peer
Is born this day to buy us dear
Nowell, nowell.

A boar is a sovereign beast
And acceptable in every feast;
So mote this Lord be to most and least;
Nowell, nowell.

This boares head that we bring with song
In worship of him that thus sprang
Of a virgin to redress all wrong;
Nowell, nowell.

abc | midi | pdf
Source: Musica Britannica, VOl IV - Mediaeval Carols

I added this song to compare it to the folk "Boars Head Carol".  I should have checked first that we already had that carol in the site!


Browse Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z