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O Vylecharane! c'raad hooar oo dty stoyr,
My-lomarcan daag oo mee;
Nagh dooar mee' sy churragh eh dowin, dowin dy liooar,
As my-lomarcan daag oo mee.

Translation (believed to be by George Borrow)

O Mylecharane, where got you your gold?
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
O not in the curragh, deep under the mould,
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

O Mylecharane, where got you your stock?
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
O not in the curragh from under a rock,
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

O Mylecharane, where got you your goods?
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
O not in the curragh, from under the sods,
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

Two pairs of stocking and one pair of shoes,
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
For twenty-six years old Mollie did use.
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

His stockings were white but his sandals, alack!
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
Were not of one colour - one white t'other black.
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

One sandal was white, and t'other dark brown
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
But he'd two of one colour for kirk and for town.

"O father, I really can't walk by your side
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
If you go to the church in those sandals of hide."
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

"O daughter, my dear, if my brogues give you pain
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
There's that in the coffer will make you look fain."
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

A million of curses on Mylecharane,
(Lone, lone have you left me here;)
The first who gave tocher to daughter in Man.
(Lone, lone, and void of cheer.)

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Source: Lucy Broadwood and J A Fuller Maitland. 1893, English County Songs, Leadenhall Press, London

Lucy Broadwood wrote:

The tune from "Mylecharane", arranged, &c., by Elizabeth Cookson, the words from Notes and Queries, Ser. 4, ii, 469, said to be translated by George Borrow. Mylecharane was a miser who lived in the Curragh of Jurby; he was the first Manxman who gave a fortune to a daughter.

Roud: 1370 (Search Roud index at VWML) Take Six

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