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I was out with my wagon one morning in spring,
The trees was full leaf and the birds was full singing:
Well done, Robin, drive on Robin,
Drive along Robin, right-o and gee-woa!

All along down the lane then a maid I did spy
And the meadows awoke to the sound of my cry:
Well done, etc.

So I hastened my horses to walk my her side,
And I said to the damsel, "My dear, won't you ride?"
Well done, etc.

I put my arms round her and gave her a kiss,
She said, "You can take me, young man, if you wish."
Well done, etc.

I spoke to my forehorse, he jingled his bell,
And that was his music as no tongue can tell.

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Source: Singing Together, Spring 1967, BBC Publications

This is taken from Oxford School Music Books Junior II from the Oxford University Press.


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