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Willie married a wife and he brought her home,
Jenny go gentle, Rose Molly.
He might as well have left her alone,
As the dew flies over the green valley.

Willie went out to follow the plough,
Jenny go gentle, Rose Molly.
At noon he came in: 'Is dinner ready now?'
As the dew flies over the green valley.

'Oh, what says that ugly old elf?'
Jenny go gentle, Rose Molly.
'If you want any dinner, you can get it yourself'
As the dew flies over the green valley.

Then Willie took a knife and went to the fold,
Jenny go gentle, Rose Molly,
And he killed a sheep about two years old,
As the dew flies over the green valley.

Willie brought it home and laid it on her back,
Jenny go gentle, Rose Molly,
And with two sticks went whack, whack, whack!
As the dew flies over the green valley.

I've sung but not for wealth,
Jenny go gentle, Rose Molly,
If you want any more you can sing it yourself,
As the dew flies over the green valley.

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Source: The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs.

Notes abridged from The Penguin Book.

Dr Child, who lists this song as 'The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin', suggests that it comes from a sixteenth-century tale. The five versions he gives are all Scottish, resembling 'The Wee Cooper of Fife'.

Roud: 117 (Search Roud index at VWML) Take Six
Child: 277

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