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Its of three jolly huntsmen went out to hunt the fox.
But where shall we find him amongst the hills and rocks?

With my hip, hip, hip and my holloa,
And away went the merry merry band.
With my ran-tan-tan and my chivvy chivvy chan
All over the merry merry strand
Ugle, Ugle, Ugle went the bugle horn,
Fal-le-ral, fal-le-ral, fal-le-ral-le-dee
Through the woods we'll go, brave boys
And through the woods we'll go

The first we met was a fair maid a-combing of her locks,
She swore she saw bold Reynolds amongst the farmer's ducks.

Oh! the next we met was a farmer a-ploughing of his land,
He swore he saw bold Reynolds amongst the ewes and lambs.

The next we saw was a miller a-working of his mill,
He swore he saw bold Reynolds run over yonder hill.

The next we met was a blind man, as blind as he could be,
He swore he saw bold Reynolds run up a hollow tree.

The next we met was a parson and he was dressed in black,
He swore he saw bold Reynolds upon the huntsman's back.

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Source: Marrowbones, Ed Frank Purslow, EFDS, 1965

Gardiner, H.1095, collected from William Taylor, Petersfield Workhouse, Hants, August 1908

Roud: 796 (Search Roud index at VWML) Take Six

Browse Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z