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By olives (your leaves) gentlemen,
I've come to take a view,
To see what passes here,
My dancers they come new.

My dancers they come new,
They 'ave seldom danced before;
They'll do the best they can,
And the best can do no more.

Now you've seen us all go round
Think on us what you will;
Music, strike up and play
"Th' Owd Lass of Coverdill."

abc | midi | pdf
Source: Journal of the English Folk Dance Society, 1928, Oxford University Press, London

This is one of a number of songs in an article 'Th' Owd Lass of Coverdill and other Dance fragments' written by Anne G Gilchrist in the 1928 edition of the English Folk Dance Journal. The song was taken from her landlord, Mr Dent, "in the old village of Orton, near Tebay, Westmorland."


Browse Titles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z