By olives (your leaves) gentlemen,
I've come to take a view,
To see what passes here,
My dancers they come new.
My dancers they come new,
They 'ave seldom danced before;
They'll do the best they can,
And the best can do no more.
Now you've seen us all go round
Think on us what you will;
Music, strike up and play
"Th' Owd Lass of Coverdill."
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Source: Journal of the English Folk Dance Society, 1928, Oxford University Press, London
This is one of a number of songs in an article 'Th' Owd Lass of Coverdill and other Dance fragments' written by Anne G Gilchrist in the 1928 edition of the English Folk Dance Journal. The song was taken from her landlord, Mr Dent, "in the old village of Orton, near Tebay, Westmorland."