X:1 %Music T:The Dragoon and the Lady (A) T:Earl Brand B:Cecil Sharp's Collection of English Folk Songs, Vol 1, p 13, No 3, ed Maud Karpeles , Oxford University Press, 1974 S:Mrs Sage (73) at Chew Stoke, Somerset, 1 April 1907 Z:Cecil Sharp F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:G D2 |G3 G G2 G2 |G4 F2 G2 | A2 B2 c2 d2 | B6 w:My fa-ther he's a knight and a knight of high re-nown B2 |G2 c2 c2 e2 |d2 B2 B2 (AG) |F2 A2 G2 E2 | D6 w:If I should wed a sol-dier it would_ bring his ho-nour down. B2 | (B2 A2) (Bc) d2 |(E2 F2) G2 G2 |A2 B2 (AG) E2 | D4 w:It's your_ birth_ and my_ birth it ne-ver will_ a-gree, (G3 A) |(Bc) d2 A2 B2 |G2 E2 D2 C2 | (D2 c2) B2 A2 | G6 |] w:So_ take_ it as a warn--ing, bold dra--goon, cried she.