X:1 %Music T:All Of a Row S:George Roper(82), of Charlton St Mary in Blandford Union, Dorset Z:Hammond and Gardiner F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F F2 |(FA) A A A2 A c |(cB) G G G2 w:As har--vest comes on and the reap--ing be-gins, (AB) |c2 c c (dB) A G | (GF) F F F2 w:The_ far-mer the fruits_ of the earth_ ga-thers in, F2 |(FA) c c (cf) f d |(dc) c c c2 w: In mirth_ let us talk_ till the sea--son be gone, A B |c2 c c d B A G | (GF) F F (FG) w: And at night give a hull-oa, till it's all_ of a row,_ A B |(GE) C C C2 c c |c2 c c d B A G |(GF) F F F2 z2 |] w: Till it's all_ of a row, And at night give a hull-oa, till it's all_ of a row.