%%scale 1 X:1 T:Ca' Hawkie Through the Watter B:North Countrie Folk Songs for Schools, Ed Whittaker, Pub Curwen, 1921 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:Em G4 G2B2 |A4 A2c2 |G4 G2B2 |(AG)(FE) D2F2 | w:Ca' Haw-kie, Ca' Haw-kie Ca Haw-kie through_ the_ wat-ter G2G2 G2B2 |A4 c2c2 |B2e2 e2^d2 |e2E2 E2E2 | w:Haw-kie is a sweir beast, And Haw-kie win-na wade the wat-ter. d2B2 B2G2 |A2B2 c4 |d2B2 B2G2 |A2F2 F2D2 | w:Haw-kie is a bon-ny coo, Though she's loth to wade the wat-ter d2B2 B2G2 |A2B2 c2c2 |(B2e2) e2^d2 |e2E2 E2E2 |] w:While she waits the work 'll stand, So ca'_ Haw-kie through the wat-ter