%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Nottinghamshire Poacher B:Broadwood, L, 1893, English County Songs, London, Leadenhall Press S:Noted by Rev John Broadwood before 1840. Z:Lucy Broadwood F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:G D |G2 G D2 G |A G F G2 z |d2 d d2 e | d2 c B2 w:In Thorn-ey woods in Not-ting-ham-shire, Right fol lol de li de O! A |G2 G D2 G |A2 F G2 z |d3/2 d/ d e d ^c | d2 z z2 w: Three keep-ers' hous-es stood three square, Fol de rol lol de ri da! d |e2 f g2 B |c2 d e2 d |d2 c B A G | G B G (G F) w:Three keep-ers' hous-es stood three square, A-bout a mile from each oth-er they were_ HE |E2 F G2 A |B c d e3 |d3/2 c/ B A3/2 G/ F | E3 HE2 z |] w: In or-der to look af-ter the deer, Fol de rol lol de rol li-do!