%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Quinoro's Pearl B:Singing Together, Spring 1976, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:G D2 G2 A2 |B3/2B/ B3/2B/ B4- |B2 G3/2A/ B3/2B/ A3/2G/ |A4 E4- | E2 w:Be-neath the blue Pa-ci-fic sky,* Lies the is-land of Min-do-ro* D2 F2 G2 |A3/2A/ A3/2A/ A4- |A2 F3/2G/ A2 G3/2F/ |G4 D4- | D2 w:Where in a Fi-li-pi-no bay,* Lived a boy called Quin-o-ro. * D2 G2 B2 |d3/2d/ d3/2d/ d4- |d2 B3/2c/ d2 c3/2B/ |c8- | c2 w:He'd watch the boats go out to sea,* And their white sails un-furl, * A3/2B/ c3/2c/ B3/2A/ |B2 G3/2A/ B3/2B/ A3/2G/ | A2 F3/2 w:While the oy-ster fleer was leav-ing Quin-o-ro would be griev-ing, G/ A3/2A/ G3/2F/ |G8- |G2 |] w:Too young to dive for pearl.