%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Twelve Days of Christmas B:Singing Together, Autumn 1970, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F CC |C2 FF F2 EF |GA BG A3 B |c2 (dB) AF G2 | F6 w:On the first day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me a par-tridge_ in a pear tree. |:CC |CF FF F2 EF |GA BG A4 | w: On the sec-ond day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me c2 GA B2 AB |c2 (dB) AF G2 |F6 :| w:two tur-tle doves, and a par-tridge_ in a pair tree. CC |C2 FF F2 EF |GA BG A4 |c4 (d =B3) |c8 | w:On the fifth day of Christ-mas my true love gave to me five gold_ rings. M:3/4 %Meter L:1/8 % cB AG F2 |B2 D2 F2 | [M:4/4][L:1/8] (GF) ED C2 AB |c2 (dB) AF G2 | F6 z2 |] w:four_ call-ing birds, three french hens, two_ tur-tle doves and a par-tridge_ in a pear tree.