%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Child's Carol B:Singing Together, Autumn 1970, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:Eb F4 c4 |B2 A2 G2 E2 |F2 F2 c4 |B2 B2 c4 | w:****** Let the whole world be told c2 c2 f4 |d2 e2 c4 |B2 c2 e4 |B2 c2 A4 | w:How the wise men of old, Let from far by a star, G2 F2 G2 E2 |F4 F4 |G2 A2 B2 E2 |F4 F4 | w:Ra-rest gifts pos-ses-sing, Gave them for their bless-ing. G2 A2 B4 |B4 B4 |A2 B2 c4 |c4 c4 | w:Of the Child, Child, Child, Of the Child, Child, Child, G2 A2 B4 |A2 G2 F4 |G2 F2 F2 E2 |F4 F4 |] w:Of the Child, Christ-mas born, Love of God con-fes-sing.