%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Crocodile B:Singing Together, Summer 1979, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:G D |G2 G G2 B |d2 d d2 d |eee c2 A |d3-d2 w:Come lands-men list you all to me to tell you the truth I'm bound, * d |ecc c2 B |EEE ccc |B B2 A2 A | G3- G2 z | w:What hap-pened to me by go-ing to sea and the won-ders that I found. * d2 d d2 e |d2 d d2 d |e2 e c2 A | d3- d2 w:Ship-wrecked I was once per-force, and cast up-on the shore * d |c2 c A2 A |B2 B G2 G |A2 A F2 D | G3- G2 w:So I res-olved to make a tour the count-ry to ex-plore. * A |B2 B A2 A |GGF D2 c |BBG G2 F | G3- G2 z|] w: Tol-lol, tol-lol, lit-tle-tol-lol, lol, The won-der-ful croc-o-dile *