%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Yellow Bird B:Singing Together, Summer 1976, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:F c6 =B2 |c6 A2 |B B2 A B2 c2 |A8 | w:Yel-low bird up high in ba-na-na tree. c6 =B2 |c6 A2 |B B2 A B2 c2 |A8 | w:Yel-low bird, you sit all a-lone like me. D2 DG-GB d2 |C2 CF-FA c2 |C2 CE-EG B2 |C2 CF-FA c2 | w:Did your la-dy friend, leave the nest a-gain? That is ve-ry sad, make me feel so bad, D2 DG-GB d2 |C2 CF-FA c2 |z2 CC B A2 G |F8 |] w:You can fly a-way, in the sky a-way You more luck-y than me