%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Coconut Tree B:Singing Together, Spring 1986, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:G (3:2d2d2d2 |B3d c2B2 |A4 (3:2c2c2c2 |A3c B2A2 | G4 w:Co-co-nut tree on South Sea Isle, Liv-ing your life in tro-pic style, (3:2d2d2d2 |B3d c2B2 |A4 (3:2c2c2c2 |A3c B2A2 | G4 w:Laz-ing a-round all through the day, Wav-ing at boats out in the bay. (3:2d2d2d2 |:B3d d2d2 |B3d d2d2 |e3d c2B2 |c4 w: Co-co-nut tree so fine and tall, You have the grand-est life of all; (3:2c2c2c2 |A3c c2c2 |A3c c2c2 |d3c B2A2 |[1 w: Co-co-nut tree, that's what I'd be, If I could have one wish for B4 (3:2d2d2d2 :|[2G4 z4 |] w:me Co-co-nut me