%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Island in the Sun B:Singing Together, Spring 1985, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:D AA Ad- d2 d2 |B2 Bd- d2 dd |cc cc- c2 B2 |B2 AA- A2 z2 | w:This is my is-land in the sun, Where my peo-ple have toiled since time be-gun; FF FB- B2 A2 |AA GG- G3 G |F2 G A2 F D2 |E2 DD- D4 | w:Though I may sail on man-y a sea Her shores will al-ways be home to me. z2 F2 F2 F2 |G2 GG- G4 |E2 E E2 D E2 |G2 FF- F4 | w:Oh, is-land in the sun, Willed to me by my fa-ther's hand. D2 D D2 E F2 |G2 G B,2 E D2 |C2 C C2 B, C2 |E D2 D- D4 |] w:All my days I will sing in praise Of your for-ests, wa-ters, your shin-ing sand.