%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Candlelight Fisherman B:Singing Together, Spring 1985, BBC Publications S:Peter Kennedy Z:Phil Hamond F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:D DE |F2 FF GG E2 |D6 FG |A2 d2 c2 B2 |A6 w:Oh me dad was a fish-er-man bold And he lived till he grew old, Bc |d2 dd c2 BB |A2 AF D2 DE |F2 FG E2 E2 |D6 w:For he o-pens the pane and he pops out the flame Just to see how the wind do blow. DE |F2 F2 GG E2 |D6 FG |AA d2 c2 B2 |A6 w: If the flame don't flick-er 'e'd know That there's not e-nough wind do blow, A2 |d2 d2 cc B2 |A2 d2 D2 DE |F2 G2 E2 E2 | D6 z2 |] w:But if that sil-ly old flame blow out Then there's too much wind to go.