%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:O 'Twas in the Broad Atlantic B:Singing Together, Spring 1985, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:F F2G z |A2A2 B2A2 |A2 G4 GA |B2B2 c2d2 | G6 w:O 'twas in the broad At-lan-tic, 'Mid the e-qui-noc-tial gales, AB |c2c2 c2A2 |d2d2 d3B |c2c2 B2G2 | F6 w:That a young fel-low fell ov-er board A-mong the sharks and whales. FG |A2A2 B2AA |A2G2 G2A2 |B2B2 c2d2 | A6 w: And_ down he went like a streak of light, So quick-ly down went he, AB |c2c2 c2AA |d2d2 d2BB |cccc B2G2 | F4 w:Un-*til he came to a mer-ma-id At the bot-tom of the deep blue sea. F2G2 |A6 A2 |B2 B4 A2 |B2A2 G2F2 | E8 | w: Sing-ing Rule Bri-tan-nia, Bri-tan-nia rule the waves! c4 B4 |AFBG c2B2 |A4 G4 | w:Bri-tons ne-ver, ne-ver, ne-ver shall be c2c2 c2AA |d2d2 d2BB |cccc B2G2 |F8 |] w:mar-ri-ed to a mer-ma-id At the bot-tom of the deep blue sea.