%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:A New Song on the Taxes B:Singing Together, Autumn 1985, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:C (G2 E) |C2 D C2 B, |C2 D E2 F |G2 A G2 E | G3 w:All_ you young men and mai-dens come and lis-ten to my song, A2 B |c2 B c2 A |G2 E C2 D |E2 G F2 E | D3 w: It is some-thing short and com-i-cal it won't de-tain you long. (G2 E) |C2 D C2 B, |C2 D E2 F |G2 A G2 E |G3 w:Go_ where you will by day or night, the town or coun-try through, (GAB) |c2 B c2 A |G2 E C2 D |E2 G D2 B, | C3 w:The__ peo-ple cry and won-der what with us they mean to do (GAB) |c2 c c2 B |c2 e d2 c |B2 G G2 ^F | G3 w: No__ won-der peo-ple grum-ble at the tax-es more and more, (A2 B) |c2 B c2 A |G3 E2 C |D3 E2 D | C3 |] w:There_ nev-er was such tax-es in Ire-land be-fore.