%%scale 0.9 X:1 T:The Grey Cock or The Lover's Ghost C: The last bar is sometimes sung 'F G F' M:3/2 L:1/8 K:F G|A2A2f6ed|[M:4/4]c2e2dc A2-|A6F2|[M:3/2]A A3f6e2|dc e2d6de|f2d2c2d4B2|A2G2A2D2-D2E2|F2Ac d6AG|F2E2D6|] w:I must be go-ing, no long-er stay-ing__The burn-ing Thames I ha-ve to cross. Oh, I must be guid-ed with-out a stum-ble_In-to th-e arms of_ my dear lass