%%scale 0.8 X:1 B:Singing Together, Summer 1974, BBC Publications T:The Mermaid M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D (F3/G/)| A2-A3/F/ A2-A3/B/|A3/G/ F3/E/ D2 A3/A/| B2 G2 d2 c3/B/|A6 w:One_ Fri -day morn_ when we_ set_ sail And our ship not far from_land. B3/c/|d2 d3/d/ (d3/c/) A3/F/|(G3/F/) G3/A/ B2 w:We_ there did es-py_ a_ fair_ pret-ty maid, c3/d/|A2 A3/F/ A3/G/ E3/F/|D3/E/ F3/G/ A2 w:With a comb and a glass_ in her hand, her hand, her hand, d3/B/|A2 A3/F/ A3/G/ E3/F/ D6| w:With a comb and a glass_ in her hand. F3/G/|A2 F2 (A3/G/) (E3/C/)|D6 D3/D/|B2 G2 d2 (c3/B/)|A6 w:While the ra-ging seas_ did_ roar, And the storm-y winds did_ blow, (B3/c/)| d2 d3/d/ d3/c/ A3/F/|(G3/F/) G3/A/ B2 w:And_ we jol-ly sail-or boys were| up,_ up a-loft, c3/d/|A2 A3/F/ A3/G/ E3/F/|D3/E/ F3/G/ A2 w:And the land lub-bers ly-ing down be-low be-low be-low d3/B/|A2 A3/F/ A3/G/ E3/F/|D6| w:And the land lub-bers ly-ing down be-low.