%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Stately Southerner B:Alan Lomax, The Penguin Book of American Folk Songs, Penguin, 1964 F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 %Meter L:1/8 % K:C C |C2 E G2 E |F2 F A2 C |CA,B, C2 C | D3-D2 w:It was the State-ly Sou-ther-ner that carr-ed the Stripes and Stars,_ G |(G^F)G G2 A |D2 E F2 G |A2 A B2 A | G3-G2 w: The whist--ling wind from west-nor'-west blew through her pitch-pine spars,_ G/G/ |G^FG c2 c |E2 E F2 G |A2 A B2 A | G3-G2 w: With her star--board tacks a-board, my boys, she hung up to the gale,_ G/G/ |F2 E G2 E |(FE)F A2 C/C/ |(CA,)B, C2 C | C3-C2z |] w:'Twas an au-tumn night we raised_ the light on the Head_ of old Kin-sale._ %End of file