%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Birks O' Aberfeldie B:Scots Minstrelsie A National Monument of Scottish Song Volume1. Edited and Arranged by John Greig N:Taken from http://www.electricscotland.com/music/minstrelsie/ M:C L:1/8 K:C C3/ D/ E G c3/ d (cA)|c3/ d/ (cA) (B/c/) d (c/d/e)| w:Bon-nie las-sie, will ye go,_ Will ye go,_ will_ ye go,__ C3/ D/ E G c3/ d/ He e/ d/|c A G E D2 HA w:Bon-nie las-sie will ye go To the birks o' Ab-er-fel-die? G|C3/ D/ E c G C G3/ E/|G C E G (AG) (FE) D3/ w:Now sim-mer blinks on flow-'ry braes, And o'er the cry-stal stream*-let_ plays. E/|C3/ D/ E G c3/ d/ He e/ d/|c A G E D2 HA z|] w:Come let us spend the light-some days In the birks o' Ab-er-fel-die.