%%scale 1 X:1 T:In My Father's Garden B:Singing Together, Summer 1978, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:6/8 K:F A|A2 B A2 G|F3 F2 A|c2 c d2 d|c3-c2 A| w:Now in my fa-ther's gar-den are flow'rs be-yond com-pare_ A2 B A2 G|F3 F2 A|c2 c d2 d|c3-c2 c| w:Now in my father's gar-den are flow'rs be-yond com-pare_ And d2 d d2 A|B3 B2 B|c2 c c2 G|A3-A2 z| w:birds of ev-'ry co-lour fly in from ev-'ry where._ F3 GAB|A3 c3|G2 B A2 G|F2 D C3| w:I want to be near you, You're the one for me, for me. F3 GAB|A3 c3|G2 B A2 G|F3-F2|] w:I want to be near you, You're the one for me._