%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:The Yellow Sheepskin B:Singing Together, Summer 1970, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:G G3A B3c |d4 d4 |c3B c3A |d4 d4 | w:See the yell-ow sheep-skin, Swing-ing from your should-ers, c3B A3A |B3A G3G |A3G F3G |A4 D4 | w:Once it raced the moun-tain-side And leapt the moun-tain bould-ers, G3A B3c |d4 d4 |c3B c3A |d4 d4 | w:Now the yel-low sheep-skin, Soft as cloud in sum-mer, c3B A3A |B3A G3G |A3A d3d |G4 G4 |] w:Whirls a-round from hand to hand And dan-ces for the drum-mer.