%%scale 1 X:1 %Music T:Jock of Hazeldean B: J Greig, Scots Minstrelsie, Vol 1, 1893 Q:1/4=102 %Tempo M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:Eb e2 |B2 G2 {G}F3 E |E2 E2 B,2 C2 |E2 E2 A3 G | (G3A/G/F2) w:"Why weep ye by the tide, la-dye? Why weep ye by the tide?___ e2 |B2 G2 F3 E |E2 G2 B,2 C2 |E2 G2 F3 E | E6 w: I'll wed ye to my young-est son, And ye shall be his bride. G2 |A3 G A2 B2 |c2 B2 e3 c |B2 G2 (3:2F2G2 c2 | c6 w:And ye shall be his bride la-dye, Sae come-ly to_ be seen." e2 |B2 G2 F3 E |E2 (FG) B,2 C2 |E2 G2 {G}F3 E | E6 z2 |] w:But aye she loot the tears doun_ fa', For Jock o' Ha-zel-dean.